Making On-Demand Services Better: How Geo-Fencing Helps Gojek-Like Businesses


Starting a Gojek-like business in a highly competitive place demands out-of-the-box features. One such feature, among many others, is the presence of geo-location in the admin panel. Let’s understand how it works, its benefits, and other important factors to consider when launching a Gojek-like business.


Locations are everything when it comes to running an online business. The fact that there is a feature that creates a boundary between the customers and the service providers is a one-of-a-kind idea. Unlike other on-demand businesses that need real-time tracking as a main feature, geo-location becomes a part of the solution, offering the business owner the ability to set their own location to run their business. That, too, comes from the fact that good market research does a million things all at once.

So, what exactly does geo-fencing do to a business? Let’s find out in detail, keeping in mind Gojek’s business model and its wide range of services, from food and grocery deliveries to ride-hailing and much more.

What is Geo-fencing? Benefits of Gojek-Like business

One of the best things about geo-fencing in Gojek-like businesses is that it can make things safer for both workers and users. By making virtual borders around certain areas, the people running the app can stop services in places that might not be safe. This feature lets the app automatically say no to pickup and drop-off requests in marked areas, keeping drivers and customers safe from possible dangers.

For example, during times of trouble in a city or natural disasters, geo-fencing can be quickly used to stop services from working in affected areas. This not only keeps drivers and riders safe but also helps the app look good by showing that it cares about user safety.

Making Things Work Better

Geo-fencing helps Gojek-like businesses work better by creating smart service areas. By analyzing data about where users are and how traffic flows, app owners can create borders that help use resources efficiently. This can mean less waiting for customers and more productive work times for service providers.

For instance, during busy times in a city center, geo-fencing can be used to make smaller, easier-to-manage service areas. This stops drivers from being spread out too much across a large area and lets them respond faster to service requests.

Better Marketing and Deals

One of the most powerful ways to use geo-fencing in Gojek-like businesses is for very focused marketing. By making virtual borders around specific places, app owners can send personal deals and messages to users when they enter or leave certain areas.

Think about a situation where a user walks into a shopping mall. The Gojek-like app on their phone could right away send them a message about cheaper ride offers for their trip back home or special deals on food delivery from restaurants in the mall. This kind of smart marketing not only gets users more involved but also makes more sales and keeps customers coming back.

Following Local Rules

As on-demand services grow all over the world, dealing with different local rules becomes harder. Geo-fencing offers a solution by letting app owners easily follow region-specific rules and limits.

For example, if a certain city has rules about where ride-sharing cars can work or pick up passengers, geo-fencing can be used to enforce these rules in the app automatically. This makes sure the app follows local laws while lowering the risk of fines or legal problems.

Starting a Gojek-Like Business: Things to Consider

The large amount of data created by multiple services can be used to make offerings better and make smart business choices.

  • Making and keeping up a multi-service app needs a lot of tech know-how and resources.
  • Figuring out the rules for multiple services across different areas can be complex and take a long time.
  • The on-demand service market has a lot of competition, with big companies and new ones all trying to get customers.
  • Making sure all services are of good quality can be hard, especially as the app grows.

A full set of services makes users use the app more and like the brand more, as customers rely on the app for many parts of their daily lives.

Ready-Made Solutions: A Quick Way to Success

For business owners who want to start a Gojek-like business without starting from scratch, ready-made solutions offer a good choice. Ready-made Gojek copy apps are pre-built, changeable platforms that can be quickly branded and launched under your company name. While based on existing platforms, ready-made solutions often offer many ways to change things to fit your brand and specific market needs. Other benefits include:

  • Greatly reduces development time, letting you start your business quickly and begin making money.
  • Often cheaper than building an app from scratch, which makes them suitable for new and small businesses.
  • Usually built with tested technology, ensuring they work well and can grow.
  • Offer continuous tech support and updates, letting you focus on growing your business rather than keeping the technology working.

When considering a ready-made solution for your Gojek-like business, it’s important to choose a provider that offers strong geo-fencing features. This will ensure that you can use all the benefits of this powerful technology from the start.

Overall, ready-made solutions offer a good way forward for business owners eager to enter this changing market. These pre-made platforms, complete with advanced features like geo-fencing, provide a strong base on which to build your unique brand and services.


As the on-demand service industry keeps changing, geo-fencing stands out as a key technology for businesses wanting to get ahead. By adding geo-fencing to your Gojek-like app, you can make things safer, work better, do targeted marketing, and follow local rules.


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